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Marketing is at the heart of any business - whether you're just starting up, launching a new product, or relaunching a business, the ability to market successfully can mean the difference between a profit and loss.
Corin Forest Communications Manager Andrew Snell looks at marketing in the real-world. In December 2013 Corin Forest re-opened under new management after 8 months closed and was faced with the tough task of getting its name out to the public again, as well as associating it with a new brand.
From having 14 days to launch, to having too many customers, the best laid plans can often mean little once your business is off and running. Making the most of opportunities and managing issues, while keeping on message and the right tone, can be challenging for any business.
Andrew takes us through the process, ups, downs and thinking behind a re-brand and new product offering at an iconic ACT attraction.