Learn creativity and thinking skills
The preparation you need to succeed in a 21st Century world.
Great exam results are wonderful, but you also need thinking skills to help you become future-smart. Inspiring stories, interesting case studies, and useful tools.
When education doesn't produce the innovators and problem solvers that you need, get access to learning resources and tools that will bring your staff up to speed.
Learn how to support your children to become all that they can be. Fun family activities that encourage curiosity and thinking skills for all ages.
Resources for implementing the General Capabilities section of the Australian Curriculum and Employability skills in the Vocational Education and Training sector.
More...Do you, your child or your staff need to improve your creative and critical thinking skills?
Welcome to StartUp Realm

StartUp Realm focuses on skills that sit across content areas including creativity, critical thinking, communication and collaboration.
StartUp Realm helps to develop those skills crucial for developing innovators, thought leaders and entrepreneurs throughout the economy. However these skills are multifaceted and therefore difficult to teach and measure.

StartUp Realm is agnostic of subject matter as it focuses on the 21st Century learning skills that can be used in a school, tertiary and corporate environment.
“Business wonders why education isn’t producing the thoughtful, creative, self-confident people they urgently need... We now have a school curriculum that teaches ten subjects but only limited ways of thinking.”
Sir Ken Robinson, Out of Our Minds (Capstone: 2001)
Events to put your skills into practice.
Experience StartUp Realm Live
- Access to business mentors
- Tools and technology to inspire thinking
- Interactive workshops
- Presentation skills training
- Hands-on technology showcase
- Inspiring industry speakers
- Feedback from judges
- Team building skills
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Latest Resources
What is an Elevator Pitch...
The 60 second or ‘Elevator Pitch’ is a common way to gain support or get people interested in your idea. The...
How to Validate Your Idea
You may think your idea is ‘the next big thing’, however it is wise to test and validate the idea...
Does your idea have value...
A value proposition is the promise of value to be delivered; it explains how your product solves the problem/s of...
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